Investigating India’s role in the East African energy landscape

10th October, 2021

Our CESET partners Joshua Kirshner (York) and Enora Robin (Sheffield) and their colleagues have investigating South-South cooperation in tackling climate change mitigation, energy transitions and infrastructure development. 

Over 2 days in September 2021, Joshua Kirshner (York) and Ankit Kumar (Sheffield) hosted an inception workshop and write-shop, "Investigating India’s role in the East African energy landscape," supported by the White Rose Collaborative Fund. A mix of online and in-person speakers and participants from Leeds, Sheffield and York Universities, Columbia University (USA), The Centre for Policy Research (India), and several other UK universities, shared ideas, integrating broad questions on India-Africa engagement in energy systems, and adjacent issues around extractivism, colonialism, low-carbon transition nationalism, south-south cooperation, elite networks, energy justice and demand reduction. 

The debate was continued in a short think piece in Building and Cities in October 2021 written by Josh and Enora in collaboration with colleagues in Sheffield and Leeds. 

You can access the article here.

The background readings and insights developed during the think piece and collaboration with the India scholar during the workshop will feed into development of ideas around the broader political economy for CESET.