
An excerpt of ‘Urban Energy Landscapes’ available as audio book

16th February, 2022

CESET PI, Vanesa Castán Broto, has imagined the concept of urban energy landscapes as spatial arrangements of cultural practices and artefacts that reflect the coevolution of socio-economic, technological, and ecological systems. Her book Urban Energy Landscapes (2019, Cambridge University Press) presents the conceptual foundations of this approach. 

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Sustainable Energy Access in Urban Areas

11th February, 2022

A new report explores the question of urban inequality in the context of providing energy access and achieving the goals of the Sustainable Development Goal 7.

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Engaging with the Feminist City

4th February, 2022

On 24th January 2022 CESET PI Professor Vanesa Castán Broto participated in an event hosted by the Gender Responsive Resilience & Intersectionality in Policy and Practice at UCL entitled “Engaging with the Feminist City: How does a feminist city present itself in different spaces and places?”.

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A switch to renewables could grow Africa’s economy by 6.4% in 2050

28th January, 2022

The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) - a lead intergovernmental agency for the global energy transformation – in collaboration with the African Development Bank published “Renewable Energy Market Analysis: Africa and Its Regions” earlier this month. The report claims that energy-efficiency investments have the potential to boost the African economy by approximately 6.4% and create millions of new jobs.

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Welcome to new CESET team member

13th December, 2021

CESET welcomes its newest team member Dominic Stephen, Project Coordinator at Scene. Dom joined Scene in 2018, with an MSc in Ecological Economics. He draws on his working and research experience across the UK, Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa, driven to develop low carbon solutions which address environmental, economic, and social challenges holistically. 

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Beyond COP26 - progression of the CESET project and its ‘living lab’

29th November, 2021

Mozambique took part in COP26, where world leaders met to take decisions on how to drive the implementation of environmental initiatives to reduce and mitigate further effects of climate change. A key issue of discussion was to transition away from the use of fossil fuels and elimination by 2050 – a difficult issue given that Mozambique possesses major coal deposits, and it had been expected that coal would be a major driver of Mozambican development. 

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The impact of COVID-19 on Malawi’s energy sector

25th November, 2021

Our CESET co-investigators Collen Zalengera and Long Seng To and their colleagues have recently published an open access article “Unbending the Winding Path of a Low-Income Country’s Energy Sector amid the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives from Malawi” in Energies. This paper discusses the impact of COVID-19’s vulnerability context on Malawi’s Energy Sector and outlines mechanisms for enhancing Malawi’s energy-sector resilience based on experiences from a range of stakeholders.

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Citizen participation in planning: from the neighbourhood to the city

22nd November, 2021

On 24th November 2021 at 2pm (GMT) Professor Vanesa Castán Broto will participate in an expert panel at on online event organised by the International Institute for Environment and Development.

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Martin Mganyasi joins the CESET team

19th November, 2021

Very warm welcome to Martin Mganyasi who has recently joined our team as a researcher working with our colleague Dr Domingos Macucule from the Mozambique team. Martin is an Architect and Research assistant at the Center for Habitat studies and Development at Eduardo Mondlane University.

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Cities Day COP26

17th November, 2021

On 11th November 2021 the COP26 came to an end with a crucial discussion on the importance of cities in the climate agenda. The British Academy marked the event by publishing three briefings that examine how cities and urban communities can respond effectively to the climate crisis. The briefings highlight the significant contributions that cities have made to man-made global warming and the role they have to play in transformative action on climate change.

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Paper published in a new special issue on urban impacts of climate change

16th November, 2021

Congratulations to our CESET principal investigator Professor Castán Broto and her collesgues Dr Linda Westman and Dr Ping Huang on their new paper published in a special issue.

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Exploring the contours of off-grid and sustainable energy transitions in Mozambique, Ethiopia and Brazil

15th November, 2021

On Friday 12th November 2021 our CESET Co-Investigator Professor Joshua Kirshner was invited to give a presentation to staff and students in the Department of Environment and Geography, University of York. 

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New briefing “Just Climate Adaptation In Cities”

11th November, 2021

Congratulations to CESET PI Professor Vanesa Castán Broto on the recent publication for The British Academy – “Just Climate Adaptation In Cities: Reflections For An Interdisciplinary Research Agenda".

The briefing focuses on three critical points for understanding what just adaptation means for cities:

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Excellent new report on community energy systems in Malawi

10th November, 2021

Our Malawi team have recently published a new report that provides an overview of community systems in Malawi.

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CESET participates at COP26

4th November, 2021

Starting from Sunday 31 October 2021, the UK hosts the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow.  World leaders and climate experts gather to discuss how to lower global temperatures and prevent irreversible climate disaster.

The four main goals of COP26 are:

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Ground-breaking article on “Rethinking the geographies of finance for urban climate action”

20th October, 2021

CESET team member, Enora Robin, has published a new groundbreaking journal article in the Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers based on her research funded by the Leverhulme Trust.

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Malawi stakeholder analysis report

18th October, 2021

Our Malawi colleagues have recently produced a stakeholder analysis report that identifies the different stakeholders involved in implementing community energy systems in rural areas in the Malawi energy sector.

Identifying and engaging stakeholders early in the process builds support to help the project succeed. Benefits include: 

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Future of Climate Urbanism Lecture Series available on YouTube

11th October, 2021

The Sheffield Urbanism Lecture series is an initiative of the Urban Institute to generate provocative and nonstandard propositions for understanding processes of urbanization and urban life.

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Investigating India’s role in the East African energy landscape

10th October, 2021

Our CESET partners Joshua Kirshner (York) and Enora Robin (Sheffield) and their colleagues have investigating South-South cooperation in tackling climate change mitigation, energy transitions and infrastructure development. 

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Innovate4Cities 2021 Conference

5th October, 2021

On 12th October 2021 Professor Vanesa Castán Broto will participate in a panel discussion at the virtual international conference Innovate4Cities 2021. Partner organizations, Cities Alliance, the CLGF and UKRI will be hosting a session entitled Innovation for Inclusive, Resilient and Climate-Neutral Cities on the nexus between climate resilience and urban poverty and informality.

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